What do you do when something you need falls into the toilet?!? Do you plunge your hand in and go deep sea diving to retrieve it or do you call it a loss? Well, this happened to me and I can definitely say that I am not a quitter. Now, I did not put my hand in the toilet and there were two reasons. The first was because that really disgusted me and I didn’t have any gloves with me. The second reason is because I had already released some “pretty clean” urine. So, I went to my room and grabbed a hanger. Using a plastic hanger wasn’t as easy as I had originally thought. I sort of wish I had a wire hanger, but you know the infamous “no more wire hangers!” Thanks to that, I don’t own one. Anyway, the plastic one did the trick after some trial and error. So, to answer my original question- I would definitely retrieve my item as long as the setting is right.
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